As social impact community based organization we were established in 2019 in Sierra Leone.
Our main focus is advocating for girls rights through engaging and empowering young people to participate on key issues around sexual gender-based violence, education and other forms of violence..
Sexual and gender based violence and other forms of violence against women and girls remains a very pervasive culture in Sierra Leone.
Our mission is to compliment the current agenda of the government of Sierra Leone in addressing issues affecting women and girls through our campaign to end violence against women and girls by 2030.
We will continue to work directly with organizations tackling violence aimed at women and girls including harmful traditional practices like female genital mutilation/cutting, sexual reproduction and health rights and education and teen pregnancy.
With our focus on changing mindsets and attitudes we focus on providing a comprehensive training to all professionals working on the frontline has reached over 200 SGBV advocates working across Sierra Leone.
“Our main focus is advocating for girls rights through engaging and empowering young people to participate on key issues around sexual gender-based violence, education and other forms of violence.”
Alimatu Dimonekene, Founder and CEO A Girl At A Time Sierra Leone
Our Focus
For Girls Matter Menstrual Hygiene Initiative
Our For Girls Matter initiative seeks to minimize the stigma surrounding menstrual hygiene.
During one of our projects in Eastern Sierra Leone we found that over 90 % girls from the ages of 11-16 period poverty was a leading cause for absenteeism.
To date we have distributed dignity kits also containing reusable, biodegradable sanitary napkins. We want to equip young girls to feel confident during menstruation.
Our main goal is to reduce school absenteeism and increase well-being in these communities.
Youth work and community engagement.
Through our youth volunteers A Girl At A Time Sierra Leone activities and outreach work has reached over 2000 families and communities in Bo, Makeni, Kenema and Freetown.
In this photo our volunteer engages with market women about children being left unaccompanied and can be at risk of going missing whilst their parents are out trading in the market.
Women's Rights is Human Rights
We are a strong feminist led organization working tirelessly in partnership with others in raising human rights profiles of issues affecting women and girls in Sierra Leone.
Online Training for Frontline Professionals and Advocates
With the onset of technology we are using the e-learning approach to deliver interactive online training sessions to professionals and advocates working on the frontline in tackling sexual and gender based violence, harmful traditional practices and domestic violence abuse against women and girls in Sierra Leone. Read more